每個孩童都應該要呼吸乾淨、非污染的空氣,然而全世界有九成的孩童卻吸入超過了安全範圍毒素。這對他們的健康和成長構成嚴重的威脅。呼吸清潔空氣對於兒童充分發揮潛能和健康長壽至關重要。 儘管有這些風險,潔淨空氣並不屬於聯合國《兒童權利公約》界定的兒童權利範圍。
通過這場運動,所有革命青年可以團結在一起,呼籲聯合國重視他們對於潔淨空氣的基本權利。 全世界各地的教師們在確保孩童們的心聲被聽取這方面扮演重要的角色。
Update September 2023:
After several years of campaigning, we are thrilled that for the first time the UN’S “General comment No. 26 (2023) on children’s rights and the environment with a special focus on climate change" they published explicitly mentions the need to improve air quality.
This is a massive achievement for the 29,000 children, alongside 62 civil society organizations, academics, and businesses, who have formed the Freedom to Breathe campaign. Whilst we still have work to do to ensure the future of our world’s air quality, we can all be incredibly proud of this big step in the right direction.
You can read more about GC26 and learn how to participate in the official launch set for September here:

- 了解他們所在城市的質素空氣質素狀況,並了解該狀況與其他城市的質素空氣質素狀況相比。
- 了解質素空氣質素狀況他們身心健康的影響以及他們的學習能力。
- 了解什麽是聯合國《兒童權利公約》,並專注於他們享有最佳健康、乾净用水和乾净環境的權利,表達出概念不夠明確的「潔淨空氣權」。