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Clean air increases guest satisfaction

Access to clean air guides where people take their holidays

– and perhaps more importantly what hotel they choose, according

to a recent YouGov survey of Generation X, Millennials and Gen Z.

Clean air increases guest satisfaction

Access to clean air guides where people take their holidays

– and perhaps more importantly what hotel they choose, according

to a recent YouGov survey of Generation X, Millennials and Gen Z.

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Air purifiers help increase Tripadvisor ratings

There are many pollution sources inside a hotel such as furniture, carpets, chemicals from cleaning agents and sometimes even tobacco smoke. In 2017, Fairmont Beijing became the first hotel in the world to provide certified clean air with all 222 guest rooms, all conference rooms, corridors, and other public areas such as the spa and VIP lounge equipped with our test-winning air purifiers. The result? An increase in guest satisfaction, occupancy rates and higher Tripadvisor ratings.

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Superior filtration technology

All Blueair air purifiers use the unique and proprietary HEPASilent™ technology.

A combination of electrostatic and mechanical filtration that provides maximum filtration with minimum noise and energy.

Superior filtration technology

All Blueair air purifiers use the unique and proprietary HEPASilent™ technology.

A combination of electrostatic and mechanical filtration that provides maximum filtration with minimum noise and energy.

HEPASilent™ filtration technology

What makes Blueair air purifiers unique is the proprietary Blueair HEPASilent™ technology. By combining electrostatic and mechanical filtration, the HEPASilent™ technology ensures that a Blueair air purifier delivers maximum filtration with minimum noise and energy.

Blueair HEPASilent filtration
HEPASilent™ technology is better than typical HEPA filters

일반 HEPA 필터: 기계적 여과만 가능

더 적은 공기 정화량

아주 미세한 구멍의 조밀한 HEPA 필터가 미세먼지를 포착하며, 이는 필터를 통과하는 깨끗한 공기가 적다는 의미이기도 합니다

더 많은 소음

조밀한 HEPA 필터에 충분한 공기를 밀어넣으려면, 팬을 고속으로 돌려야 하고 그러면 더 많은 소음이 만들어집니다.

더 많은 에너지

더 높은 속도로 팬을 작동시키려면 더 많은 에너지가 필요합니다

Removes viruses and bacteria

Mechanical (HEPA) filtration on its own catches virus and bacteria – but can allow germ growth in the filter as the germs are not inactivated.

0.3마이크로미터의 미세먼지까지 제거합니다

HEPA 여과 장치는 먼지, 꽃가루, 연기 등 크기 0.3마이크로미터까지 미세먼지를 잡아냅니다


Blueair HEPASilent™ 기술: 정전기 & 기계 여과장치

더 많은 공기 정화량

2개의 여과 기술을 결합해 필터의 작업량이 줄어들기 때문에, Blueair 필터는 빽빽할 필요가 없어서 깨끗한 공기 흐름양이 높아집니다. 

소음 저감

밀도가 낮은 필터 소재를 사용하면 공기청정기를 느린 속도로 작동할 수 있고, 독보적으로 높은 청정 공기 흐름을 실현하면서 소음을 저감할 수 있습니다.

에너지 저감

저속으로 작동하게 되면 에너지 소모량도 줄어듭니다. 그렇기 때문에 모든 Blueair 정화기는 기존의 전구 하나보다 에너지 소비량이 적은 ENERGY STAR 인증을 받았습니다*.*최저 설정에서

Kills viruses and bacteria²

Once captured in the filter, the combination of electrical charging and high air flow kills 99% of germs.

0.1마이크로미터의 미세먼지까지 제거합니다

HEPASilent 기술은 먼지, 꽃가루, 연기, 애완동물 비듬 등의 조금 큰 입자를 제거하는 것은 물론, 0.1마이크로미터의 미세먼지까지 잡아냅니다.

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HealthProtect™ air purifier removes 99,99% of airborne SARS-CoV-2 in a laboratory environment*

HealthProtect™ air purifier removes 99,99% of airborne SARS-CoV-2 in a laboratory environment*

Trusted by businesses around the world

Let us support your business

¹Based on tests of HEPASilent technology (mechanical + electrostatic filtration) vs. mechanical filtration alone, producing higher CADR (GB/T18801-2015), lower noise level (ISO3743), and lower energy consumption (GB/T18801-2015) in a standalone model.

²Tested on the filter media. Deactivation of germs on natural flora (excluding viruses) under normal temperature and humidity conditions. Blueair does not claim to kill SARS-CoV-2 or prevent transmission of COVID-19.