Fresh filters
mean fresh air
mean fresh air
Genuine Blueair filters delivered to your door, right when you need them.
We'll remember to replace your filter for you

Join for free, decide your
delivery schedule, and cancel

Seeing a new filter at your door is
a celebration of your choice to
breathe clean air.

Filter subscription members
get 15% off on every filter and
exclusive product perks.

Joining is easy
*Based on removal testing of particles 0.4-0.7um in 60min in a 30m3 room. Performance may vary.
**Tested on benzene, toluene, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide.
¹A flat shipping rate of $25.00 will be charged on filter shipments to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Additional charges may apply for shipments over 30 lbs. A flat shipping rate of $5 will be charged on orders under $39 that are not part of filter subscription.