Meet the DustMagnet™ family

The allergen-removing, dust-catching air purifier that blends right in.

*DustMagnet™ 5400 series tested to remove SARS-COV-2 in a 1280ft³ chamber, in 60 mins on high. Performed under standard laboratory conditions and actual performance may vary. Not proven to kill SARS-CoV-2 or prevent transmission of COVID-19.

A mix of indoor and outdoor pollutants, household dust often includes dirt, skin cells hair, clothing fibers, bacteria, mold spores, dust mites, pollen, and microscopic specks of plastic. Depending on the particle size, these pollutants can hang in the air for hours before gathering on our floors.
DustMagnet blends into your room to function as both an end table and an air purifier. No need to hide your air purifier, place it prominently in the room where it will be most effective.

¹Removal of 99% of airborne dust particles (0.5-3 µm) in 22 min (5400 models) and 34min (5200 models) on highest fan speed based on AHAM AC-1 protocol; not applicable to larger particle sizes.